My Angel

My Angel stands with sword and shield
Strong and standing like a stone
My Angel holds me tight so my demons will not take me
I know he will win the fight
A guide standing be-side  me
Wings, sword, and shield at full guard
My Angel will stand for all I bring with my sinful soul
Fighting my demons when I’m not strong
showing me he will stand strong and true
My Angel knows me so well
In the end
My demons go straight to hell

About Amanda D Shelton

Welcome Bat Brat's. I am the author of this page. I write poetry, I also create digital art. I am disabled I suffer from high functioning autism, nerve damage, Dystonia, and Muscle dystrophy. My writing is a reflection of my thoughts and experiences. I blog because I love writing. I write because it's the way I learned how to express myself. I have difficulty relating to people. Poetry makes it possible for me to learn how to communicate. I have been told I am exhausting to speak to because I have a lot to say. My IQ is above 200. I was diagnosed at the age of 33 with high functioning autism and Savant Syndrome. I make friends very easily because I don't have boundaries and I am not shy. I am very honest and welcoming. I love people and animals. I always look forward to writing in my blog Gothic Realms | Dark Visions In The Night. I hope to see you there. Feel free to leave a comment and like my posts. Until we meet again I will be waiting eagerly and patiently.
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